Sunday, September 8, 2013


WHY THE AL QAEDA INTEREST IN SYRIA? TREATIES AND UN COURT OF JUSTICE \ I've spoken several times about the International Waters Treaty., that was not signed by the USA back in 1994. Today we learned that the UN Court of Justice is a group that deliberates on the decisions of world activity. This USA was asked to join back in 1997. We did NOT. These were both the Bush and Clinton days, but was not signed by the advise of Karl Rove. So we can be dry docked, which will shut down all of our Naval Military; all vacationing cruise lines, all freight lines that are registered in the USA. We have taken it upon ourselves to get into war activity in Iraq, Afganistan, Bosnia, Kuwait, Libya, Egypt, and others in those areas. But the decision making of this globe should fall to the UN Court of Justice, of which we are also NOT a member of either. We get involved by an advisory by the 'UN Court of Justice' only for each case. STOCK MARKET There is a force called the Stock Market, which some like to buy 51% of stock in a corporation and then they think they own the company; come in and take it over. This has nothing to do over the 2 unions that I just mentioned and have a grand control to the happenings of the world. So money talks in some cases, and others it is completely silent in; maybe, maybe NOT. When Saddam Hussein, who was being run by the Al Qaeda moles in his country, built a grand war machine that spoke its threats to the world. In the Gulf War President Bush took out the war machine in a week. I agreed with that and a minimum of people were killed. Today a similar thing is happening. Obama wants to take out Syrias Arsinal and weaponry. But we don't know just how long he wants to keep bombing to accomplish this. Why this mystery? Assad is not threatening the whole world with his war equipment. It is meant as a defense item. He is using it to defend his country from the first Al Qaeda / Muslim Brotherhood terrorists that have invaded his country. One time Obama wants Assad out of leadership. The next he says NO; he can stay in power. Wishy washy. Before the Al Qaeda terrorists arrived, Syria was a peaceful country, minding it own business. Now Obama already is fortifying the Al Qaeda rebel terrorists with weapons and ammunition from the USA. His second move is to strike the military strength of the country, to give further power to the rebels. He must be on the rebel side. Does Obama have the right to make a missile military call on his own, with out Congress? If the count comes out to NO in Congress, WE DO NOT PROCEED WITH THE MISSILES. Will Obama accept this, or go forward with missile strikes any way? We must know our laws. Since Obama has joined forces with the first rebel terrorists, is this then an act of war from this USA? With Al Qaeda? What will the USA do about that? What will the UN do about it? We are being put in a sitting duck situation, in World War. ....................................................................................... F-16's Now Obama wants to fortify Taiwon, an island just off the South East coast of China. Obama already has sent trucks of war equipment type there. F-16's at Taiwon, F-16's at Egypt. Just exactly what is his plan with these for the world? Those in Egypt could take out Israel very quickly. Those in Taiwon could strike China. China was neutral in WWII and upset Hitler. They were enticed by Japan for some time, but stayed out. He wanted them all, just as he worked England very hard to come on board with the missile strikes on Syria. All those in WWII, against Hitler and Germany are his targets this time. But he wants to get them on his side in his World War program, to make fools of them. Just as he is making a grand fool leading this USA down this path. Not just their forces, but to 'shame into capture' their abilities for this mission. The voice I'm hearing coming from Russia, from President Putin is confusing in that Putin is a 2 man force, taken over by Armageddon City, aka Al Qaeda, aka Muslim Brotherhood. One man is for Russia, one is an imposter playing Putin. We must be very careful in judging the words coming from that country. Would Russia truly stay out of any war activity with Syria? Judge carefully. ................................................................................... A COUNTRY OWNS A country owns its land, and it owns the airspace above it, up to 45,000 feet. They have the call as to who flies over their country, whether it be a F-16 or a drone. - Our aircraft, our drones, are in violation as to airspace law. - Our ships are in violation to the 1. International Waters Treaty and the 2. Law of the Sea Treaty. Both of which we did not sign. To send a missile through space is in violation to airspace law, and can be considered a direct act of war. Is this USA going to declare war on Syria? How have they violated our country? How has Syria violated other countries? So then who is making you believe Assad is such a bad leader? Whose face is Assad getting into? THE STOCK MARKET The Stock on the oil of Syria is out for investment; but not to the degree some people want the ownership of the oil stock to be granted. By the oil revenues going, some to the Syrian people, limits their taking over 51% of Syrian oil Stock. It's not so much Assad, but he does get in the face of the moles in his government to prohibit these moles from getting 51% and control of the Stock. There fore getting control of his country through oil Stock. These moles, these Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood moles are bleeding oil rights from the people, but still can not take over 51% ownership of the oil. So the next thing is to take the country. GREED GREED GREED ...................................................................................... HELL ON WHEELS Are you watching the TV show "Hell on Wheels"? Now being shown on AMC on Saturday night at 8 PM CST or 9 PM EST. In it Mr. Tom Duran, who is depicted as Karl Rove is working the Stock of the railroad. He has many inter workings that you will not understand, but has just tried to manipulate Mr. Beaudane, out of his Agent position. He is working the newspaper reporter, the Indians, etc. to get in Beaudanes face, and stole the payroll coming in on the train from the government subsidized project. Take this show as a parallel then, to today and watch how Duran/Karl Rove works things with Stock, corporate America, Corporate world, buying 51% of all stock to shut down corporations and put things in a high state of inflation, and unemployment. He was around then, when the rail road was being made and did exactly those things. Rove was around before that working the profits of the Pennsylvania Steel Mills as Andrew Carnegie. He was then and still is on of the aristocrates grand evils to the world. A RED DRAGON, BE WARE. He was Peter Gailbraith, USA Ambassador to Iraq, a mole there to get oil revenue. He caused the uneven distribution to the Suni and Shite in oil revenues, which fired the war there, more. But as the new distribution took place and government leader ship changing, he instituted a grand sum for himself. Iraq threw him out; so did Afganistan. But is a moldy mole in Syria today. This is the foundation of the Syrian problem. Deepak Chopra works the Al Qaeda rebels, just as he was Fritch, the CEO of Pennsylvania Steel, who worked for Carnegie/Rove. Deepak is also the pirate Becket, ahead of the East Indian Trading Company; then, and now. He works Roves fleet of shipping, cruise lines, that were purchased by the Vatican Bank under Pope Benedict XVI, aka Karl Rove. All with the tithes of the Catholic people. They however, are all registered in the USA. No, International Waters Treaty or Law of the Sea Treaty were signed by the advisor of Presidential advisor Karl Rove. ................................................................................ Becket in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, aka Chopra works the Al Qaeda rebels to take over Syria, as he did in Afganistan, Iraq and others. When he is not so busy doing these things he sets forests on fire; many train derailments in this USA and other countries. Or blows up buildings. Chopra engineers many of the air problems of today, including taking the minds of pilots, inhibiting fuel flows, weakening rivets to ballast areas on aircraft, etc. etc. Most air craft problems are sabotage, by Chopra our czar, and B.J. Raji of the Green Bay Packers. ................................................................................. Obama and Hitler are figures used by a few people not just one. They move around. Read Daniel 7 and 8. LION - is a position held by 2 people. 1. Obama, aka Rahm Emanuel, aka Steve Miller, Aaron Rogers, William Daley, Sonja Sotomayer, Christian Amanpour, and Rahm Braun. 2. Charles Krauthammer, aka Juan Williams, David Paterson, David Corn, a lawyer Jenkins. He is there in Obamas position when you see a puffiness all around the mouth area. BEAR - Deepak Chopra, aka, Elena Kagan, Janet Napolitano, B.J. Raji, Aneesh Chopra a czar, George Timmerman, Hasan who will, play dead for the Fort Hood massacre, who already played dead in the Ariel Castro case, and lives. LEOPARD, ANOTHER BIG CAT - is Hans Landa, aka Tom Colburn, aka the dead Jay Christopher Stevens, Steven Spielbaur, Jay Carney. THE 4TH BEAST IS KARL ROVE, most diverse. He plays Pope Benedict XVI, Father Dolan, George Soros, Mulvin Baker, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Green, Chuck Schumer, Chris Van Hollande, J.B. Van Holland, Dale Schultz,and many more. The LITTLE HORN mentioned in Daniel 7:8 is Valarie Jarrett, aka Professor Delores Umbridge, aka the cockatrice in Jeremiah 8, mentioned there with Karl Rove the woman, the whore mentioned also in Revelations 17.

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